For Lahore

For Lahore

you call yourself 
a warrior
yet spill the blood 
of innocents

a true warrior
uses his blood
as fuel for the fire
that burns his rage
his hatred
his blind separation

his self

every pebble
every grain of sand
every blade of grass
every worm, swallow,
snake and lion

every man, woman and child
has been crafted 
with Love and Mercy
by the most astounding 

you too are 
the recipient
of this undeserved
unearned Benefaction

you could not create
a single drop of blood
if your life depended on it

and yet
in your blind rage
and misguided belief
and hate
and greed
you are so quick to spill
in rivers
the blood of others

whoever they were
before this carnage
you have pushed them
closer to Him

whoever you were
before this carnage
you have distanced yourself
further from Him

Him whom you claim
with your deranged, lost
violent heart

to Love

28th march 2016

image: facebook

for a copy of "Set My Heart On Fire" in pakistan nalayn publications
in South Africa intent publishing
and internationally via amazon


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