When You Sing
When You Sing
(dhikr with shaykh ebrahim)
when you sing
with that astonishing voice
rich like a tropical forest
resonant, powerful
and so deep
like the voice
of a mountain
if it could speak
i fear
my heart will burst
i want to sob
and sing
and dance
like a fiend
undone, unhinged
by the music
like a caged beast
set free
to drown
in your flaming
velvet breath
thundering, Hayyee!
and just be
that sound
you make
which is
what lies deep
deep inside my
own heart
and for which
i will never
have the right words
or voice
or speech
11th january 2014
from the upcoming book "The Truth Is Love"
photo: madiha aijaz
for a copy of the book "Set My Heart On Fire" contact nalayn.publications@gmail.com;
internationally available through Amazon and www.intentpublishing.com
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