Divine Mother
Mother tonight
when i return
from the battlefield
having hunted
shadows and demons
of the inner realm
all day
i will be
your weary child again
small, pliable and needy
craving your soothing,
slow breath
your warm,
sweet fragrance
your soft,
yielding flesh
around my broken body
Divine Mother
i will be
your child again
hurt, exhausted
and dirtied
by what i’ve seen
and where i've been
in the day
in the night
i'll beg
for your cleansing radiance
to embrace and purify me
wash away all traces
remove all memories
i can no longer
bear to carry
i will curl up
next to the comforting
familiar rhythm
of your heartbeat
close my eyes
surrender all
my weapons and ruses
do what you will
with me
in the sacred darkness
of the night
whatever you do
is beautiful
and for my very best
25 march 2015
from the upcoming book: "The Truth Is Love"
image: with thanks via <http://www.divinemother.co.nz/>
for a copy of "Set My Heart On Fire" in pakistan nalayn publications
in South Africa intent publishing
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