I Want To Say Your Name

I Want To Say Your Name

i want to say Your name
over and over again

over and over
and over again

in words carried by Love
rising like a spiral
from the core of all being
in my being

i want to say Your name
with heart breaking tenderness
and call You by the million names
of endearment and beauty
ever uttered, by anyone

i want to say Your name
and tell you i love You
over and over again

over and over
and over again

until i have
spent all my words
all my tears
all my strength
all my breath

until i can
think no more,
say no more
breathe no more

be no more

and in that stillness
finally hear
walls, doors,
floors and ceilings
grains of sand,
blades of grass
sky, clouds,
trees and air
all speaking only
of You
and love for You

14th February 2010

shahbano aliani

for a copy of the book "Set My Heart On Fire" contact nalayn.publications@gmail.com;

internationally available through Amazon and www.intentpublishing.com


  1. Salaama

    This is truly lovely... and the last stanzas of illumination actual and factual... "how you perfect my spirit," says American poet, Robert Duncan, seeing the flight of Monarch butterflies... Alhamdulillah and thank you.

  2. thank you so much for your generous words.


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