You Are In His Care
You Are In His Care
my brother
of ebony skin
and noble soul
they paint predators
in your form
what travesty!
when you are
most vulnerable
your blood
spilled more
than any other’s
on the streets
of the country
where your forefathers
and mothers
were brought shackled
torn from the
that nourished them
where they walked
beautiful and proud
where their names
were known
and their songs
stolen from
under the skies
under the skies
that were vast enough
to hold the laughter
of their children
and the prayers
of their elders
cleft from moonlit nights
that were radiant enough
to hold all their
secret longings
and whispers
ripped from the earth
deep and generous enough
to embrace them
and fulfill all their needs
sundered forever
from the intimate
from the intimate
familiar place
with the sweet name
forced to this
alien terrain
where they were
turned from people
into things
their flesh
and sweat and pain
squeezed to make treasures
forged in their blood
in this country
that boasts
of freedom and equality
you have always
been prey
its biggest heroes
were brothers
like you
who turned their
of excruciating suffering and
devastating exploitation
into wisdom and compassion
rarely seen
in our world
the greatest heroes
this nation
had ever seen
were from among you
the greatest heroes
this nation
had ever seen
were killed in cold
cruel blood
by the rulers
of this country
built on lies
and greed
these heroes
of big hearts
and great courage
who spoke of truth
and love and peace
by the people
who have made
lives and livelihoods
on lies and hate and war
my only offering
to you
my brother
is what stirs
in my heart
and flows
from my eyes
and comes
to my lips
as prayer
may He
who is the Master
of it All
heal your suffering
your terror
your pain
and bring to justice
those who have
been its cause
nothing is possible for me
except heartfelt prayers
nothing is
difficult for Him
and you are
in His care
dedicated to Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr and African American men brutalized and killed in the USA
25th january 2016
photo credit:
for a copy of the book "Set My Heart On Fire" contact
internationally available through Amazon Amazon and
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