

i stopped caring
some time ago
what anyone in the world
thinks of the land
where i was born
where i live

brown, smelly people
for the most part poor,
neither illustrious
nor famous for much
but the violence
they carry out
in the name of their
barbaric religion

this is what many think
who’re far, far away
who’ve never set foot
in the country
a hundred and eighty million
call home

those who want to hate
don’t want to know

i don’t care
as i’m not looking
for their approval

we have our share of
beasts and demons
perhaps a large share
it’s true
there is rot and violence here

but i’ve also never met
a people more generous
more hospitable
than those i’ve met here

(and i’ve traveled quite a bit
and also lived
for a decade and a half
in the most famous
of all countries)

such warm and loving people
you’d be hard pressed to find
they open their hearts
and their homes
to total strangers
even in the midst of calamity
and offer them all they have
left to eat

when you stay in their homes
they treat you better than family
they treat you like royalty

they flock around you
when you’re sick
when you’re sad
when you’re happy
and pray for you fervently

some of them
you could not trust
at all

others you could trust
with your life
and all you owned
and you wouldn’t
be wrong

an indian gentleman
i met in delhi
cried when i told him
where i was from
he was so overcome
by the memory
of the love he’d encountered
on a trip to this land
a decade ago

he wiped his tears
as he said
“and we’re supposed to be enemies”

i could go on
and on and on

about our ancient
rich culture
our mystics
our intoxicating music
and poetry

our history
of unbelievable harmony
our people
of incredible diversity, bravery

our vast open deserts
our majestic mountains
and landscapes
of stupendous beauty

but i only want to say
we may not have
impressive technology
or rich corporations
good social indicators
even a high GNP

most of us are poor
and simple
and unassuming

but people here
have big hearts
and they’re not afraid
to love

and what can you say
after you’ve spoken of love?

what can you say
that is greater than love?

what do i care
about the ignorant world?
let them hate, fear
and stay away

our love
is enough

it nourishes us
it nourishes me

9th march 2015

from the upcoming book "The Truth Is Love"
photo credit: free range free stock photos from the web

for a copy of the book "Set My Heart On Fire" contact; 
internationally available through Amazon and


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